Sunday, November 9, 2008

Profile of Mporina: Survivor of the 2004 Massacre in Bukavu

Mporina is the name of a 46-year old mother of five, a widow since 1998. She was in her house in the town of Bukavu on May 25th, 2004 at 3pm in the afternoon, when the massacre began. She was violently sexually assaulted by five men from the Interhamwe. The Interhamwe (rebel Hutu) and among the Congolese military whose mission was to exterminate the people banyamulenge in Bukavu/Congo.
The men tied a cable around her neck so that they could take turns violating her. They left her half dead.

Today, Mporina lives in a refugee camp in Byumba, Rwanda. She has not received any sufficient treatment for her injuries, and is confined to a bed, unable to move. She is handicapped, in pain, she needs an expensive operation, and she needs help to payer for it.
She is unable to speak.
Her husband was killed in genocide, 1998.

We ask the international NGOs that have the mission in this corner as: a human right of volunteers, save the lives of survivors MPORINA women who are in Rwanda.

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