Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Six Extraordinary Young Banyamulenge Women in RWANDA

A group of six young Banyamulenge women are doing everything they can to help relieve the suffering being endured by their people. Their names are: Rachel Zaninka, Solange Mugeni, Lea Kamikazi, ChristellaKamikazi, Chantal Bitanga, and Jeanne Mutesi.
Having recently finished their studies at the Free University of Kigali, they have formed an organization to help orphans and widows of the massacres in Congo and Burundi. They are also helping orphans who are currently living in Rwanda, at two camps in Kibuye and Byumba. They also visit widows in the camps to provide companionship and assistance.



Anonymous said...

Its good to know that we have caring people(boys and Girl) who are willing to dedicate they professional lives in order to assist members of our suffering communities.

I encourage you guys to continue the hard and very important work that you doing.

If there is anyway or anything that we can possibly do over here ( eaurope ) Just let us know.

God Bless you
Douglas ( England)

Anonymous said...

Mu komere

MUREMBE said...

la fondation TUBARAMIRE des jeunes Banyamulenge de Gisenyi porte son soutien sur les efforts menés par vous tous frères et plus particulierement à toi jean Claude qui se montre toujours devoué et déterminé pour contribuer efficacement à determiner une orientation claire et bien définie pour notre communauté.

ne te de courage pas mais Moise, Gédeon et autres étaient des hommes commes nous.